Saturday, 10 May 2014

Why is it we have horses??

After getting soaked at 7.30 this morning as I strolled across the field to retrieve a once again soggy mare in , after another wet night, I am beginning to wonder why I do it.

I think that it is actually an illness, horses, are surely an addiction, I mean come on, we pay huge sums of money to get our horsey fix, unless you are top of your game they never make you money and you find yourself thinking about them most of the time!

Anyways, Molly is now living out for the summer, which she is loving, and she is still coming in for 4-6 hours a day for a rest, and to have some hay and feed. But she has decided to give me another headache, after months of finding a mixture of feeds that she will eat and that are good for her, she has once again started not eating the feed I am giving her.  This is a big worry for me as she needs to continue gaining  weight and if living out means that she isn't getting the calories without the sugar than she will have to come back in. But that in turn is going to make her miserable, and the whole point of her still being here is because she is still happy.

I know where the problem lies, it is the micronised linseed, she is about the only horse ever to not like the taste of it, and during the winter I was able to hide it in 3/4 smaller feeds and mixed and soaked into her fibre beet. She now only has one or possibly two feeds a day, and she is just refusing to touch it, god that horse makes me so angry! (lol)

 To try and get some of the important stuff in her I have devised a cunning plan, when she comes in I give her a sandwich, which she loves and in that sandwich is:

  •  Turmeric paste made with turmeric and olive oil
  •   marmite
  •  freshly ground black pepper
  •  and agnus castus

she has two of these a day, so at least I know she is eating those things.  When she comes in I still give her a small feed of fibre nuggets, chaff, oats,barley and linseed and she must be consuming some of the linseed that has attached itself to the fibre nuggets which she loves.

I will update later, as to whether she has eaten anything whilst in today, and today is weigh day, so I can see if being out has affected her weight in anyway.

Until Later......

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