Sunday, 11 May 2014

Does anyone fancy a sandwich?

These are the rather unappealing looking images of the paste with goes into Molly's sandwiches, takers anyone???

 I don't know what it is about the sandwich, but slap a load of the really unappetising paste of marmite, linseed, turmeric, pepper, agnus castus, cinnamon and mag ox between two slice of bread and apparently its really tasty! Put the same ingredients in her feed and she will not touch it!!!

As you can see dinner without the extra supplements is going down well, and since being out at night she is eating more hay in the few hours that she is in, than she was when in all night.So although I do still worry about her dropping weight whilst out at night she seems to be happier being out.

  I also took her weight measurement yesterday, which showed she is still on 392kg,  I'm not overly worried that she hasn't put on any weight in the last week, as her routine has changed and shes probably using more energy due to being out rather than just stood in her stable.

The hope is that with the extra exercise she may regain a bit of muscle that has been wasted since not working, and spending many wet weather days over the winter in her stable due to the risk of mud fever.  The annoying part is that in herself she is so happy and energetic, there isn't any sign of lameness or any other ailment to be seen.  It is just her weight that I am battling with, which in a way makes a bit bearable because she seems so happy with her life at the moment.

and so that I do not get moaned at by the 'boy genius' web designer extraordinaire, don't forget to visit the adjoining website:

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